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Men in my Life

As and when I read through the news of gender abuse or discrimination, I consider myself lucky to have such men or boys in my life where I had less resistance, more motivation. They prepared me to deal with any such incidences in life. On this International Mensday , this  blog is dedicated to all the men who are, were, and will come into my life. And I’m thankful that they have helped me grow and be what I'm. Love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart... As everything starts with the family, m y Papa never differentiated between us sisters and our brother. Of course, he has his own set of prejudices, perceptions, and beliefs, but that applies to all of us in the very same way.  He gave me my first typing lessons when I was 9, only because I wanted to learn and we had a typewriter. I was kind of a typist for him after that. :) My brother has almost always been a pillar of support, even though we had our share of differences. I do have a lot of cousins. Even though ...

शंका का समाधान ?!?

मन आकुलता से भरा हुआ जब सीता का आभास हुआ, सुध बुध खोए रघुनंदन व अद्भुत ऊर्जा का प्रसार हुआ । अब ना रहने दूँगा वन में, सीता तुम होगी पटरानी, भय नहीं मुझे उस समाज का अब जिसने की थी मनमानी । अनुचित वह था तिरस्कृत क्षण, जब था यह कृत्य हुआ, राज-धर्म के पालन में राजा पति-धर्म था भूल गया । सबका आग्रह आवेदन सुन, सीता आयी संग जाने को, छोड़ के वन और कुटिया, श्रीराम की पटरानी कहलाने को । चलती हूँ संग हे रामचंद्र, बस एक शंका का समधान करें, कैसे मानूँ जो घटित हुआ वैसे ही पुनः मुझे ना आप छलें । शादी के वचनो से ऊपर राजधर्म को माना था, जब मेरा कोई मोल ना था, फिर रावण को भी क्यूँ मारा था । लंका में उम्मीद  तो  थी राम मेरे अब आयेंगे, सीता के आहत मान को  वे  सम्मान ज़रूर दिलाएँगे। राम ने था वनवास दिया,  उस दिन   सीता का  हुआ  पतन, आहत था उस पत्नी का मन, जिसके टूटे थे सात वचन । इस वन में इतना कष्ट ना था, जितनी वेदना हृदय में थी, विश्वास प्रेम की डोर सभी एक पल में झल से तोड़ी थी । अतुल्य प्रेम करती हूँ मैं वह तो नहीं होगा कम, पर इस आहत मन के संग साथ नहीं रह सकते हम ...

ज़िंदगी गुज़र रही है

गुज़र रही है ज़िंदगी और गुज़र रही हूँ मैं, क्या रुकना क्या रोकना चल रही हूँ मैं, शायद जी रही हूँ मैं | मंज़िलों को पाना या खोना अपनी किस्मत है, रास्तों पर चलते रहना तो अपनी ज़रूरत है || इन रास्तो को देख सोचती हूँ कही थम तो जाऊं, बस और आगे ना जाऊं यही रह जाऊं | फिर वो रास्ते बुलाते हैं - कहते हुए धीमे से, सिर्फ जिंदा रहना है या जीना भी है ? मेरे साथ ज़िन्दगी गुजारना है या बस गुज़र जाना है || रास्तों पर जब आकर देखा तो इतनी भीड़ में कहा थी मैं, सबके साथ होकर भी कहीं अकेली थी मैं | हर रास्ते में सोचती रहती हूँ, कैसे बढ़ना है, क्या सही है, क्या गलत || संकरे रास्तों पर कभी दब कर चलना है, तो कभी पीछे हट कर फिर आगे बढ़ना है | चौड़े रास्ते हों तो भी बेफिक्रे नहीं हो सकते, दुसरो को भी आगे जाने देना है कभी, फिर खुद आगे बढ़ना है || कहीं ठहरना भी है, लेकिन वो पड़ाव है मुकाम नहीं | फिर यही सोच नए रास्ते पर निकलना है, मुड़ के देखना भी है, और यादों में खोना भी है || हर रास्ते में एक नयी कहानी है, एक नयी मैं हूँ  एक  नए तुम हो | खुद को ढूंढना भी ह...

Planning Poker - a way to Collective Wisdom

Though you will get a lot of content around this topic on the internet. The reason I write about it is that I like this technique, not only because it helps in getting better estimates but also it is a good way of team bonding. What is Estimation? By definition, estimation is an opinion or way of providing an approximation based on the available information. The said information can be incomplete or incorrect or possibly change in the future. That’s why estimates might change based on the available information at any point of time. I presume that you are aware of Agile methodology, such a change in information is expected and welcome. To accommodate such change, every sprint starts with planning to estimate what value can be delivered by the end of the sprint based on available information . What could possibly go wrong with Estimation? Since we are talking in the context of software development, the client could not have all the visualization imagined during the ideation stage. But to...

Mirror Mirror on the wall, did COVID make you Human at all?

It is the 75 th day of the COVID-19 lockdown in India. On Monday, the lockdown will be lifted across the country with limited imposed restrictions. The daily lives will come back to normal (as we would like to believe) unless there is a rise in COVID +ve cases in certain areas. Only such areas will then be locked, barricaded, and termed as micro containment zones for a couple of weeks. We have no clue how long these Ways of Living going to continue. Whether you like it or you don't, this is a New Normal. Have you been counting days? One of my ex-Colleague used to put up a daily WhatsApp status message for every passing day to assure that a better day will come. I'm sure many would have been counting days and waiting for the lockdown to end; the Day has come. As you get excited and prepare for the post-pandemic days with gratitude for being alive and safe, Why not look behind for a few minutes and realize how you have come out of it.  It started on 22 nd March in India with a ...

Say goodbyes to move forward

Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living? —Bob Marley I said, No and decided to move to another Company (mid of #coronacrisis) and conclude the journey of almost 6  Years with this 6 years old company #thinkbridgeindia. I am among the first 10 employees here. Six years is a long time to stick around a company. And if there ain't any takeaway, then the time spent is not worth it. #thinkbridgeindia  came in at the time of my career when I wanted to push myself to leadership roles. This was also the time, being at a start-up was a feel-good factor.   I learned multiple Frameworks , Application Revamp , Database re-architecture, building Configurable multi-tenant applications, heavy data processing to extract the necessary information for the end-user. Enhanced the system with various levels of activity monitoring for better troubleshooting of Production issues and proactive actions. Integrated multiple 3rd party systems into our ap...

Year of Refraction - Bidding Adieu to 2019

This Year went by so fast, really stressful, eventful, and yet so refreshing (at the end). It reaffirmed some of my beliefs. It changed me as a person. A lot happened (as it happens to each of us) and we all could make it to 2020 together. I'm trying out writing little longer blogs because I got the feedback that my Blogs were too short, leaving few craving for more. I think I wrote hastily as my thoughts paced through my brain without really elaborating them a lot. I'm trying to be more patient while writing now. What was 2019 for me? I was listening to a podcast about how Mind can be stuck in a vicious circle of overthinking and not being able to do what it wants to do. This is a signal from the body to change something. Of course, it becomes frustrating and you just don't know how to get out of that circle. As the podcast quotes Tony Robins - When  you 're in  your head you 're  dead . My 2019 had a similar cycle of trying to control or fix the...