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Hamara Bajaj

One of the most beautiful feeling is to have younger sibling/s. I'm the eldest so not sure how it would be to be younger to someone, especially younger to someone like me 😉 (my bro and sis must know). 

But, having same gender sibling: 😳 I'm thinking if it is more irritating or still beautiful 😶.

Having same gender sibling has it's own perks AND compromises.

The best part is to share clothes. So my sis initially used to get all my 'To Be Discarded' ones. 
New clothes were specially for me because I was in college.

To start with, you get to learn how to handle jealousy and how love can ignore all worse to worst arguments or fights.
You share, care, make it up with each other after crazy fights, laugh at stupid and embarrassing things you do. But at the end, you be what you are - totally exposed and still accepted.
Well for accepted part I'm not very sure. At least my siblings are like that 😘

But losing part was for my lil sis who used to get second hand dresses to wear, which at times she didn't like. Unfair to her? 

Ummm.., when I think today, probably that was a way to make her realize importance of sharing. Though that time I would have felt as injustice to her 😄

After been through those phases, now we have developed certain level of understanding and we know we are going to share or we have to. This is how we are brought up - to be together at all times, with all we have.

And now all that we want to share are Hamara Bajaj ... That was out first scooter which we 3 Siblings used to ride with our Dad.


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