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State of being Happy

When everytime I seek happiness in world around me, I see 'Someone' in so peace with self that I wonder - Is happiness nothing but just a way of being or agreeing with yourself?

While moving on in life; we sacrifice, be selfish, envy, be a loser or winner. At all these times, we are too worried to look at those small pieces of puzzles, which actually put together our actual self, which bring happiness. 

With Love come Worries. Worry of losing, betrayal, their well being and you can keep going endlessly on this. What you choose to take forward, shapes state of mind. I don't know if it is natural disability for some to ignore Love and pick worries out of everything or a Choice you make everytime.

Usually I'm critical while analyzing people and more if they are dear, so as to eliminate any chances of bias. Still I see 'Someone' with so many behavioral differences, yet with amazing ability to ignore worries. Maybe it is too much of optimism by nature or a state of mind chosen consciously. At the same time I see 'Someone' who can be worried just for about anything.

I'm trying to develop this ability of ignoring worries and settle down with myself. I have my own doubts. Will being happy make me too content with present to try for future? Or it is just how you perceive and enjoy your Present and prepare for Future.

We have control to have desired state of mind. Not others but you decide how you want to feel. At the end it's you, who can choose to be yourself despite others seeing you as Selfish, Loving, Crazy or whatever adjectives they come up with. When you are in Love with yourself, then you are at peace. That's when your love flows and makes others as well feel that love; feel that happiness.


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