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Fact vs. Truth

Yesterday when I saw trailer of movie Sanju, I had a second thought whether I should even watch the trailer or not. But I did for Ranbir Kapoor and it was worth watching. Not sure it was worth to watch for Ranbir or Hirani or Sanjay Dutt. And then I read the reviews today and maybe I should watch this movie.

What makes me curious about the movie is, how important it is for each one of us to tell the Truth to the world, Truth as we know or feel. 
Is there a single truth in this huge convoluted world of social media? 
I always used to believe that there is only one truth and several interpretation. That has changed recently. Everyone who has a story, has their own truth and truth can change.
There are only FACTS which don't change. 
Facts like when an incident happened, what happened, who were part of it. 
What is truth then? Now, Truth is how each of them felt during the incident, before/after the incident. No one is lying but no one states the facts.

When I go on Amazon and read reviews on a Product, I skim though 1 and 2 star ratings quickly because those reviews are full of emotions and very low on Facts. And these emotions really can get you.

Maybe that's why Truth has no value in Court of Law because it is full of emotions. And Justice can't be served with Emotions (remember Jury system). It needs Facts and evidence to prove those facts.

At times I wonder where are we going with social media accessibility, Internet offers so much anonymity that one can write any rubbish and I can't punch them on their face. It was easier earlier. You talk something (only if you are courageous enough), others will fight - someone wins, topic over. On Internet, nothing gets over. And of course that's traumatizing. I'm sure that's why Sanjay Dutt felt the need to get his Biopic out.

Internet, Social Media come with lot of better things and the worst ones. One of the worst one is the ability to make loose statements. I admire people who can speak Truth with their Face On, rather who speaks Truth with no Face. Such Truth (even if it exists) doesn't matter and maybe that's why such people are termed as Trolls or in older terms "Two - Faced".
Your Truth is a Truth only if you have courage to speak up. 
And there are and will be several other Truthful versions of the same Truth. However, the Fact doesn't change, unless changed/altered. 
You decide your own Truth and then live with it, fight for it, feel for it. Whatever you do, do with your Face.
There is No Truth with No Face.


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