I was going through my earlier blogs and could see spelling errors to grammatical errors. I thought here it could have been a better sentence formation; or probably another punch line would suit here. Some perspectives were not really in-perspective.
I was considering correcting all my earlier posts and that thought itself was so overwhelming that I procrastinated the correction as well as the plan to write new blog.
That’s when I realized, maybe correction is not necessary. I might have already corrected myself with every new blog that I wrote.
I can’t keep on undoing my past mistakes. It is too much to fix. And of course I’m a person of mistakes. Maybe you are not. Then I’m not sure what keeps you moving. But I can keep moving, because I have to correct myself with every step, but never erase where I have fallen.
When I look back, I see myself getting up and walking or probably running again.
As I always say, Acceptance shows us the way forward.
Another year 2018 as well comes to an end (as if it was never going to end), accept yourself (and maybe others) with mistakes, shortcomings and retrospect how you wasted another year. Or maybe not.
Don’t waste explaining yourself, because it doesn’t change anything. Historians will explain it to the world one day, don’t worry about it. 😈
Try doing what you haven’t done yet. That’s the least you can do for Historians. 🧐🤔
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