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Dogs and Wanderers

As they say, 
Life changes when you have a Kid and I say, it changes dramatically when you have a Pet.
I have 2 beautiful bitches which most of you already know. I’m one of those first-time Pet Parents who want to do little more for their pets than daily walks of Potty and Pee.
Nothing wrong with those walks, only that I wish to experience the feeling of having a pet in a different way. I want them to explore, go on long drives, see beaches, get dirty, and spread love. 
Daag achchhe hote hain 😋
The hidden truth is my bitches love going out, even if it is for the whole day 🙄.

And that’s the vision for Dogs and Wanderers
The group plans free local outings over the weekend at different Tekdis of Pune and once-a-month pocket-friendly overnight camping. 
Yippie !!! And Dogs and Wanderers is featured in Times of India today! 

We have a lot of Pet Parents interested to join, which justifies the vision of this group.
This group was formed to make it possible for people to go out with their Pets. And when they go out, they are not alone, they don't have to struggle to find pet-friendly places. This group's admin do it out of their love for Dogs. They take out their precious time from daily work/routine to manage these activities. They do all coordination to get budget stay, good food, music. They explore places for local outings. The only thing they don't do it, they don't complain even if people don't turn out on the day of planned outings.
I would dedicate this post to people who made it possible.
Anup being a well-connected Dog Lover/Rescuer, formed this group with few of us. I still don’t know why he included me but good for me.
I met him at Pawna Camping with my Dogs in 2018. We both wanted to go to a Pet Camping event which got canceled. I had to try camping with my bitches and Anup managed all the co-ordination in bringing more participants and getting discounts from Beyond Camping. We were 10 Humans and 6 Dogs, a bit scared if anything can go wrong. That’s where I saw dogs having fun running, with and around people, in the water. It was a good socialization for Dogs as well as dog-unfriendly Humans.

After few weeks my siblings gave us a visit and we planned Sinhgad Trek and there I met Mayur (now a certified Dog Trainer, Telepathic Animal Communicator, and animal enthusiast) with Bruno & Shakira (you know what I mean 😋) and Nikita with her min-pin monsters (a true wanderer, Dog Rescuer) along with few others. Nikita is one part of every local and overnight outing.
I couldn’t meet Shardul (A professional Photographer) then but we met him, Richa and Truffle in our next visit to Baner hill where he clicked beautiful pictures (He does it for FREE only for the group). That’s when I met Avdhoot (One of those calm guys whose face says it is going to be fine, he is the binding force of the group) with Lio and the bubbliest daughter; now he has Vyom a-Rescued-Rott as well.

One weekend I saw a female Dobie - version 2 of Coffee and that's when I met a happy couple Vanaja and Prasanna and parent of Coco who has taken up the profession of Yoga Guru now. She is now on sabbatical but used to manage Camping Requests and internal group.
That’s how I met a long lost Coffee-lover Rado and her Mom Mitali. She is an awesome event coordinator, making sure no one is missed out, all the details are in place for every outing.
All Governance members of the group (as we like to call ourselves) met at Panshet, and there I saw the most adorable Lab with beautiful eyes and she is Jenny who stays with her handsome Dad Ranvijay who explores part of the city where we can plan next local outing. That’s when I first saw a Dalmatian (in real) - The Gobu Nalamwar, Ashmik’s Big B, and Anup’s first 🙂.

Last but not the least, I must mention, there are Wanderers who come to these outings with us. Their enthusiasm keeps us going. We love them for their patience with us, for standing us with our mistakes, compromising with our decisions. I have met such beautiful, naughty, and Pets with many other qualities (better not to mention here). Those few hours are so enriching to see different breeds, mixes, and their individual personalities, connect with their Parents, and the Pure Love in the Air.
The group is a symbol of every Wanderer's love for their fur-babies. 


  1. Well written Amrita! It's been a wonderful journey until now.
    Thank you for the mention!

  2. could have captured the essence of D&W the way you have.

  3. Hey such a beautiful blog ... 😊great.

  4. Very well written, Amrita.
    Lara says Thank You!

  5. Excelent one. I joined thx to mrs. Aarti and Anup last March and since then my pet Yuki who is like my 2nd kid had 3 outings incl one camping. I was surprised to see my kiddo jelling with other furry kids. He has now become a wanderlust always curious to know when we ate packing our bags next. All thanks to DnW not to forget the valuable enthuasism of the admins of this group.

  6. So well feels as if i was there too.. nicely narrated.... Your blog diary is awesome.

  7. I think it's great that you guys have such a wonderful group. I stay at Nashik and hopefully will soon find such a group to socialise my Sasha. 😊

    1. Pl connect with me on 98220 10149. I know few pet parents in Nasik who wants to start something like this. I can help you in connecting with them.


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