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Abortion or Murder

Today I'm seeing my self as one who has witnessed one of the illegal criminal act and done nothing to stop or protest it.

Bhabhi who stays on the ground floor was 4/5 months pregnant. This was the 6th time she was pregnant and she already has 2 sweet girls. 
She had to go for sex determination of baby in her womb. 
Since it was Pitrapaksha till 14 January i.e. Uttarayan, normally people don't start anything new or do anything important. 

Now she went for sex determination on 21st January, hoping it would be boy and she will be relieved from more pregnancies. 

I remember the conversation when she told me this. I told her, who cares about all this nowadays. And if it's boy, who knows he will take care of you or not. She said, it's not we who want a boy, but in-laws have a wish. I felt real pity for her that time. I couldn't imagine what she would be going through and what it would have been to abort already 3 unborn girl child. 

When I asked her next day about her test and she looked sad and said, it is same again. She really looked sad. Now I'm not sure if that sadness was for not being able to produce boy again or for action which follows this test result.

I came late that day, had production release of application and satisfied that things went smooth.
But, as I reached, received call from her husband that they would be going to hospital in night and if I could join. Answer was yes because of my inability to say No.

Then I argued with myself. One said - It is illegal, I should not go, try to stop this. But other said - how could I? At the end it is them who will have to take care of kid and provide better future. I don't have anything to counteroffer. So it sounds to be logical action. 
And again I felt pity for Bhabhi what she is going through in trying to fulfill few older wishes.

I was not sure why they were going to hospital, though it was quite obvious.
Her husband called at 2.30 am and I left with them immediately. 
And then in an hour, one innocent infant was murdered and I stood outside that maternity without uttering a word, witnessing that killing of an infant whose crime was to be GIRL. I could not save one of my own kind. 

We came back and I was as silent as when I left. I cried for some time for that baby. 
Not sure if anyone even cried for her. If someone dies after coming out of the womb, at least there is funeral and some rituals, but nothing for this unfortunate one.

And then I felt different.
How she could allow to kill her own child !
Could anyone justify killing, whatsoever reason be - be it War or Honor or a desire to take a Clan name forward?
Isn't it better to hurt few (elder's) sentiments than to kill?
And that too kill someone who is even ignorant of own existence.
How is she going love a boy who will be born after so many killings?

I might be being harsh, but this was my first encounter with Girl child foeticide and I went through many logical reasoning throughout. At the end, it still felt so wrong.
Now I see my Aunt in different light, who gave birth to 5 Girls for a boy. At least, she did not kill...

While leaving Gujrat, I asked Bhabhi toh stop and she said - "We are going to try any more, we are happy with these 2". :)


  1. Really feel bad for n number of girl childs killed in india, where people worship goddess laxmi, durga, etc.
    Such in-laws and doctors should be actually given a big punishment by indian government, so that no one does same again.

  2. Correction to the last statement -

    While leaving Gujrat, I asked Bhabhi to stop and she said - "We are not going to try any more, we are happy with these 2". :)

    Relieved and happy that I could convince at least one.


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